Satellite Events

Below, we collect and promote Satellite Events which take place before or after the DH2023 conference and which are interesting for a Digital Humanities audience.
If you are looking for a good reason to arrive earlier, check out these exciting events!


Smashing the Silos! The Future of Cultural Heritage Information and Visualization

Sunday, July 9th 2023, 10 am – 5 pm
Kunsthaus Graz

This free hybrid one-day research symposium will reflect on novel developments and challenges in the field of cultural heritage information.

Please check out the programme and, if you would like to attend, complete the free registration.


Keyword: Monetisation. Cultural data for the gaming industry
Stichwort: Monetarisierung. Kulturdaten für die Gaming Industry

Friday, July 7th 2023, 11 am – 5 pm
Kunsthaus Graz
The gaming industry is often mentioned as a potential business partner in the context of digital cultural heritage, the prime example being the games of the Assassin’s Creed series set against wonderful and historically accurate backdrops. So does cooperation between the games industry and cultural heritage institutions and their data offer a fruitful future for both sides?

Please check out the programme and, if you would like to attend, register by e-mail to